Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday and Wet Monday

We had a lovely Easter Sunday yesterday. We prepared eggs on Saturday. We did not dye eggs this year. They have Easter egg dye but I opted not to do that. We bought the plastic egg wraps that you put around the hard boiled egg.

When you dip it in boiling water the plastic adheres to the egg and it worked out just dandy. 

Trey was of course, the first one up on Easter morning. He woke everyone up and headed right down the stairs to see if the Easter Bunny had found us in Poland. Fortunately, the Easter Bunny keeps good tabs on people and knew where we were. Trey found eggs and candy hidden around the house.

Poor Ben was so tired and could barely keep his eyes open for all of the Easter morning festivities! 

We headed off to Mass at 9:30 dressed in our Easter finery. We were very surprised that there were so few people at church. Usually Masses here are full, and last week on Palm Sunday it was packed. At home, Masses on Easter are standing room only. Maybe people went to a different Mass or an unusual number of people were traveling out of town.

After Mass we went to our neighbor's home for an excellent Easter lunch. They had ham, turkey, white kielbasa, and many side dishes and desserts. They served bigos (Polish stew) that was delicious. I asked if they would teach me to make it before we leave Poland.

They said they would teach me to make bigos if I would let them in on my secret brownie recipe. Deal! I will pick up some Betty Crocker next time I am at Walmart and will send some boxes their way. I am definitely getting the better end of that arrangement!

In Poland, the Monday after Easter is still a holiday. Many stores are closed and all kids are off of school. Kids in Poland splash water on passersby the day after Easter. It is considered good luck to be sprinkled with water. Our neighbors warned us yesterday to be on the lookout for kids with buckets of water! We had read about this tradition and had bought water guns, so we were prepared. Here is Trey on the balcony attempting to squirt the people walking by our house on the sidewalk.

We did not see too much action in front of our house, so Myles took the kids for a walk to see if they could stir up any trouble. Trey (in green) found a like minded little fellow and they sprayed each other.

They found a bunch of kids at a park and hung out there for a while, but most of the water play was finished.

We are looking forward to some nice weather this week (in the 50s). Spring has come to Gdansk!

1 comment:

  1. The Polish people attend mass at 5, 6 or the latest 7am on Easter Sunday. I was forced my entire life to wake up at 5am - lol, I can not forget it.

