Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Still Waiting...

We still don't know where we are going to be but we are certain that we are going somewhere. I am needing to look into KS home school curriculums and talk to some people about how to do it. But things have been so busy the past week and I have not had a chance to do it yet. My 14 year old is being confirmed tonight and my sister is flying in from CA to be his sponsor. We have games and practices galore and the end of the school year is quickly approaching. We have talked to our school principal for the younger three, but we have not yet let the high school know what is going on. We need to make an appointment and get up there.

I was looking around this house and I believe this summer I will get rid of lots of junk before we go. Busy!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Are We Really Going?

Since last August we have been waiting to hear news! Our family of six (mom, dad and four kids 14-6) may be spending 10 months in Poland. We received an "unofficial" email on Wednesday, April 22nd that it looks like we are on our way! We don't know specifically where yet, but at this point we were really just wondering "if." We can get to the details later. We have just applied for US Passports for the kids (mom and dad already have one). Applying for passports with kids is an experience! You have to have birth certificates, ss#, photos (Walmart does passport photos for $10) and both mom and dad AND kids have to be present! We were quite the spectacle at the post office after school on Monday! It takes a long time because there is so much documentation that needs to be done on each form. But that part is done and the passports should be arriving at our home in about four weeks.